I'm counting down the days till the Bon Point sample sale. I'm not kidding. Bon Point. Insanely expensive french clothes for kids. A sample sale for kids. Kids. I've gone the last two years. The first time I went I was still on maternity leave so that means my daughter was less than 3 months old. I stood on line with a lot of other moms in the rain for 45 minutes until they let me in. I spent way to much money on gorgeous clothes that my daughter wore for 2 minutes and then threw up on and grew out of. But I loved those clothes. Love them. I still have them. They aren't going anywhere. They will never become hand me downs. They will stay in my closet until Tuesday grows up. Then she can look at them and give them back to me. Anything from The Children's Place she can have. These, these are mine.
Here are a few things I hope they have at the sample sale. Who am I kidding, I hope they have EVERYTHING.