Friday, October 12, 2012

Trains, trains and more trains.

My daughter recently has become obsessed with trains so I took to the internet and started searching. Before a minute and a half I was totally overwhelmed. I had to set down some ground rules. First I wanted all wood - for some reason I've got it in my head that toy trains should be wood. Light, kind of bleached, birch wood. Then I wanted the train pieces and traks to be PVC, lead and fire retardant free. Little pieces way too easily find their way into little mouths. And finally I looked for  a sort of Euro/German/Swiss sensibility. After all, if I was going to ride around on a train in circles for the next two years I would want it to be Euro/German/Swiss. 

This simple Melissa & Doug set is a great place to start.

How great is this "high speed" modern train from Plan Toys?
Top that Amtrak.

Traditional locomotive, Plan Toys.

Recycling? Fun!
Also Plan toys.
More from Plan Toys. Comes with bicycle to ride to train. Very Euro.
Trudi set with lots of bells and whistles (no, no pun intended.)
And Conductor Carl. Love the little church and steeple.
I'm kind of  imagining this to be a little village in the Swiss Alps.   A little village where after  my ski lesson I  go and get raclette and chocolat chaud with my gorgeous ski instructor, Jean-Claude. Wait that's my fantasy, scratch that/